Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Our Cranio Baby.

Before we were discharged from the hospital, Dr Glade came to give Londyn a check up. He told Josh that there was a concern with her skull bones and ordered an xray. The results of the xray showed that Londyn has a condition called Craniosynostosis. Big word, I know.

Craniosynostosis is a birth defect that causes one or more sutures on a baby's head to close earlier than normal.

This raised a lot of questions, but the bottom line was that our brand new baby needs to have surgery.

As you can imagine, this devastated us! I cried the whole way home, and for a week straight after this news.

The following week, we met with dr Glade again and he referred us to Primary Children's Medical Center.

Today, May 22nd, we met with Dr Bollo (neurosurgeon) and Dr Siddiqi (plastic surgeon) to find out when, what and how.

It was quite clear to both of them just by feeling Londyn's head that she would need to have the surgery.

Long story short, the bones in her head have fused to soon. In a normal baby skull, the bones are not fused until about 2 years of age. The brain grows 4 fold in the first year of life and the skull forms around the brain giving the head a normal shape. In Londyn's head, 2 of the bones have already fused (grown together) forcing the brain to grow forward which will result in an abnormally large forehead as well as possible problems such as seizures or worse later in life.

They will perform the surgery within the next 4 weeks (we are waiting for their office to call with a date). The surgery will be an endoscopic surgery where they will make 2 incisions both 5cm wide, one at the front of the head and one in the back and remove the fused bone. She will then wear a helmet for 6 months to help shape her head back to normal.

If this had not been caught by the dr, the surgery would have been a lot more invasive and dangerous, we are truly grateful for Dr Glade's knowledge!

The next year for us will be a busy one with dr's appointments but Josh and I are both confident that this is best for our baby. We have faith that the Lord will guide the hands of the surgeons and keep our baby safe.

We are truly grateful for modern medicine and for the fact that we live so close to such an amazing children's hospital.

We are grateful to each of you for your prayers and concern and ask for them to continue through the rest of this trial.

Welcoming Londyn!

On April 24th, 2013 we set out for the hospital so I could be induced.

 We arrived at 7AM where we were promptly greeted and given a room. I changed into my gown and waited about 10 minutes for the nurse to come in.

 Our nurse was Cherrie Clements, and she was AWESOME! She started my pitocin right away, and called my dr, Kari Lawrence. She even ordered my epidural for me as soon as we were situated.


I was dilated to 4cm when dr Lawrence checked me at about 9AM. I progressed pretty steadily and reached 6cm by 2PM where I was stuck for another 4 HOURS!!!

 My mom and Josh's mom were with us all day, which was good because I needed the company. Both of our dads ended up arriving around 5pm.

 By 6pm I was dilated to 9cm and the baby was face up, instead of face down. They flipped the baby and after 6 pushes, she was here!

Dr Lawrence got everything cleaned up and then had Kenedee come in to meet her sister. Soon after we had the whole family in the room. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

She weighed 7lbs 2 oz

Londyn and Dr Lawrence

Skin to Skin with Londyn

Proud dad!

Londyn and Grandma Lori

Londyn and Grandma Anne

Londyn with Aunt Britni

Londyn with Aunt Jen

With her proud big sister!

We are all loving our time with Londyn!